Arizona residents can put their IDs on Apple Wallet

Arizona residents can put their IDs on Apple Wallet

 Arizona residents can put their IDs on Apple WalletIn Arizona and soon in other states, residents can use their iPhone or Apple Watch to present their identity papers in .a totally legal and secure way

As of March 23, Arizona residents are legally allowed to show their IDs from Apple Wallet. The national identity card and the driving license are for the moment the only documents to be affected by this new dematerialization measure.

Driving license and identity card on Apple Wallet 

Apple recently announced that Arizona was the first state to offer digital driver's license and national ID card from Apple Wallet. Residents of Arizona can therefore use their iPhone or Apple Watch, to present their identity papers in a completely legal and secure manner at the checkpoints of Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix. Unsurprisingly, Apple has announced that other states will follow, including Colorado, Hawaii, Mississippi, Ohio, and Puerto Rico Territory.

Jennifer Bailey, VP for Apple Pay and Apple Wallet, explains that "we are excited to bring the first driver's license and state ID card to Wallet in Arizona today, and provide residents of the 'Provides an easy, secure and private way to present their IDs with a simple tap on their iPhone or Apple Watch. We look forward to collaborating with many other states. People across the country will certainly be able to take advantage of this technology in the coming months.”

Apple has upgraded the security package

 To add your identity card or driver's license to Apple Wallet, it's very simple: just press the + button at the top of the screen in Wallet, verification process.

the user will be prompted to take a selfie and scan the front and back of their driver's license or identity card The papers will be checked by the issuing 

state for verification.

Arizona residents can put their IDs on Apple Wallet

Apple wants to be reassuring and says that with Apple Wallet, the identity papers of iPhone users will be even more secure than before. The Cupertino company ensures that papers are presented digitally through encrypted communication directly between the device and the ID reader, so users do not need to show or hand over their device. Apple adds that biometric authentication of the iPhone or Apple Watch helps ensure that only the person who added the ID document to the device can present it. This new feature is available in iOS 15.4.

Did Apple, Meta, Snap and Discord transfer data to hackers? 

By pretending to be members of law enforcement, a group of cybercriminals has probably managed to convince several tech giants to send personal data about their users.

In an article published on March 30, Bloomberg details how Meta, Apple, Snap, and Discord were likely fooled by hackers posing as law enforcement.

Hackers impersonate law enforcement to claim personal data 

The facts took place in the course of the year 2021. To achieve their ends, the hackers posed as members of entities in charge of enforcing the laws of several countries. Several large tech companies have been caught in the trap. This is the case of Meta, Apple, Snap and Discord. Each of these companies sent personal data relating to some of their users...

The information sent concerns postal addresses, telephone numbers or IP addresses. For the moment, the companies concerned have not confirmed these accusations. In reality, it is not surprising that entities in charge of law enforcement request data from the web giants to deepen their investigations.

Have the tech giants been fooled? 

According to several sources, the mastermind of the operation is also the hacker behind the Lapsus$ group. A very powerful gang of cybercriminals, who recently attacked Ubisoft, Samsung, Nvidia, or more recently Microsoft. To recover the identifiers of the authorities in charge of the application of the laws, the hackers did not have much difficulty. This data was available on the dark web. In some cases, the hackers were even able to recover the forged signatures of law enforcement agents.

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